Dark souls killing the red dragon
Dark souls killing the red dragon

i think approaching the area from behind is probably the key to this so you can get behind him without him noticing you as hes transfixed on the bridge the whole time. I thought nothing of it and continued back down the stairs but when i got to about the ladder which leads to the rats i suddenyl received 10,000 souls and the dragon was GONE!! He hasn't returned since, i've read online some people experiencing the same glitch and it's an easy way to receive 10,000 free souls. He flew away, like properly away not just onto the bridge, and didn't come back. standard arrows bought from the merchant in undead burg. composite bow found in new londo ruins at the end after passing the church.Ģ.

dark souls killing the red dragon

He wasn't far away at all so i decided to get out my bow and fire an arrow at him, not sure if it matters but here was the equipment i was using for it at the time:ġ. At this point i climbed the stairs and stood atop the turret, from here i could CLEARLY see the dragon perching on the castle from behind - he had no idea i was there. Basically i approached the area from behind (taking the darkroot basin>chapel>underneath the portcullis), killing the skeletons along the way and then i got to the staircase which leads to the top of the turret with the tower knight on (the same area you can climb down a ladder and fight 3 poisoned rats in the sewery bit). That will come in handy for this battle.first off when you get to the pass between the watchtowers climb the ladder (at right of first tower)and kill the two archers. First is easy'ASYLUM DEMON'.you cant kill him right away,first you must find a sword and shield (weapon varies on class). i think i KILLED the red dragon in undead burg. Beating bosses,and the red kite dragon (on the bridge).

dark souls killing the red dragon

OK, so i was playing a couple of days ago and something VERY strange happened.

Dark souls killing the red dragon